Simeon lived in Jerusalem
He was righteous and devout
He was waiting for the consolation
Of Israel to come about
The Holy Spirit was on him
And revealed that he would not die
Before he had seen the Messiah
Then Jesus, at the temple, arrived
Simeon beheld the Christ child
Then held Him close to his heart
Praising God, saying, “Sovereign Lord,
In peace, I may now depart”
“For my eyes have seen Your salvation
Which You've prepared in all nations' sight
The glory of Your people Israel
And to the world, an unveiling light”
Joseph and Mary marveled
At what was said of their child
Then Simeon blessed them
And to Mary, he prophesied:
This child will cause people to rise and fall
And be a sign often opposed
So that the thoughts of many hearts
Will, in His light, be exposed
And a sword will pierce your own soul, too
As a thorn is an element of the rose
Luke 2:25-35
Thanks SandRa. Another good one. DW